Effect of Therapy Using Aquatic Treadmill on the Functional Status of Patients with Knee Arthrosis


Maruszewska Agnieszka1,Panasiuk Lech2,Buczaj Agnieszka3,Pecyna Anna3


1. Rehabilitation Centre, W. Chodźko Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland

2. W. Chodźko Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland

3. Department of Ergonomics, Chair of Technology Essentials, University of Natural Sciences, Lublin, Poland


Introduction: Arthrosis is considered as a disease of the whole locomotor system, which may be prevented and treated at early stages. Gonarthrosis develops gradually within 10-15 years, interfering with daily activities and capability for work. Aquatic exercises are considered as a potentially effective therapeutic intervention in persons with knee arthrosis. Aim: Assessment of the effectiveness of a 4-week aquatic treadmill exercise programme, with respect to the measurement of pain, balance, function, and mobility. Materials and Methods: The study covered 15 patients with gonarthrosis, using a 4-week cycle of exercises. The results of measurements included a visual-analogue scale for assessing pain, Time Up and Go (TUG) for balance, 6-meter walk test for mobility and Lequesne index for function. The exercise protocol covered an aquatic treadmill using water jets to destabilize while standing, and achieve high ratings of perceived exertion during walking. Results: The comparison of results obtained by the patients after 20 interventions, with those obtained before therapy allowing the presumption that on the level of significance α= 0.05 there occurred statistically significant differences in the results of the tests performed (p<0.05). This concerned both pain complaints (VAS scale, Lequesne index of severity for arthrosis of the knee), as well as functional tests TUG, and measurement of the range of motion (p = 0.041-0.001). Conclusions: Based on the results of the study a decrease was observed in pain complaints, improvement of the range of motion in the joints, balance and function, after participation in a 4-week aquatic treadmill exercise programme, which contained the components of balance and endurance training.



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