1. The National University of Ostroh Academy, Ostroh, Ukraine
2. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk, Ukraine
3. Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
Aim: Formation of goals of the rehabilitation process of patients with the post-covid syndrome in accordance with the needs of the patient, and the results of sufficient diagnosis.
Materials and Methods: A total of 132 people were examined. In 48 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 coronavirus (PCR test). Diagnosis of study participants occurred after 8-12 weeks of the acute period. None of the patients after the acute period of the disease underwent a course of rehabilitation treatment. The diagnosis was performed using a non-invasive blood formula analyzer AMP. Before the measurement, the respiratory rate, heart rate, and the patient`s weight, age, and sex were recorded. Statistical data processing was performed using the statistical package MedStat.
Results: The values of such indicators as the Tiffno test, dopamine-β-hydrolase, skeletal muscle circulation, the complex factor regulating cell mitosis were out of the norm in the group of participants who suffered from covid-19, but compared with the control group, was not found a statistically significant difference between the above indicators (p>0.05). Such values are a consequence of the disease and are the basis for describing the main long-term consequences that correspond to the post-covid syndrome.
Conclusions: The goals of the rehabilitation process of patients with the post-covid syndrome should be formed in accordance with the positions of evidence-based medicine. The non-invasive blood formula analyzer allows determining the direction of rehabilitation treatment taking into account concomitant chronic diseases and taking into account the patient`s ability to carry out the correction of rehabilitation programs in real-time.
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