Influence of small Doses of Electromagnetic Oscillations on the features of Coronavirus Reproduction


Нloba Oleksandr P.1,Rybalko Svitlana L.2,Garnyk Tetyana P.3,Medkov Igor V.4,Zalevsky Olexandr V.5,Humankova Olga S.6,Mykhailova Oksana S.6


1. National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine

2. State Institution “L.V. Gromashevsky Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine

3. Academy of Natural and Complementary Medicine, Kyiv, Ukraine

4. Laboratory of Information Medicine “Pankord” of the Research and Production Complex “Life Without Medicines”, Kyiv, Ukraine

5. Company “Smokoko”, Rivne, Ukraine

6. Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine


Aim: To study the influence of small doses of electromagnetic oscillations on the molecular-biological state and features of coronavirus reproduction. materials and methods: The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Experimental Chemotherapy of viral infections of the State Institution “L.V. Gromashevsky Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” and was based on the materials of the educational institution “Ukrainian Resource Center of Educational Innovations”. During 90 days, with the use of hardware and software complex “Vim Vitae” (from Latin – life force), an experimental study on the registration and analysis of antiviral activity of small doses of electromagnetic oscillations on a biological object (coronavirus pathogens) was organized based on the author’s methodology “Life without medicines”. Results: A study of the antiviral effect of low doses of electromagnetic oscillations on an experimental model of coronavirus – virus of transmitted swine gastroenteritis – showed that small doses of electromagnetic oscillations inhibited coronavirus reproduction by 1.25-2.4 lg TCD50 (tissue cytopathogenic dose 50). Conclusions: We believe that in the near future, traditional diagnostic methods will be replaced by new, information-metric, widely available technologies based on smartphones and tablets, which allow not only very quickly and accurately to detect disease, but also learn a lot of other information important for effective therapy. In perspective, these technologies will become a convenient method for self-monitoring and remote interaction with the doctor, for maintaining own health and the health of loved ones.



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