1. Klinika Rehabilitacji i Medycyny Fizykalnej UM, Łódź, Polska
2. Wydział Fizjoterapii, OSW, Olsztyn, Polska
Over the last decade, the use of vibration-supported therapeutic measures has been increased. There are many devices in the market that generate whole body vibration, but they can be divided into three groups due to the frequency, amplitude and direction of the vibrations being applied to the body. The aim of the work is to analyze the results of the most important works discussing the use and effectiveness of the therapeutic effect of vibrations on the human body. The studies are indicative of favourable changes to the symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases, neurological dysfunctions, incomplete spinal cord injury, sarcopenia and senile age disorders, osteoporosis, sports injuries. The use of whole body vibration does not result in significant changes to the hemodynamic function during therapy, although appropriate stimulation parameters may induce sufficient cardiovascular response to improve overall physical fitness. In the physiotherapy procedure, the whole body vibration is another means of increasing the effect of the therapy used.
Reference35 articles.
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