Effectiveness Evaluation of the Rehabilitation Program Containing Tai-Chi Techniques in the Treatment of Lumbar Spine Pain Syndrome in Comparison to the Standard Rehabilitation Program


Sobański Grzegorz1,Mańko Grzegorz2,Sitkiewicz Anna3,Jekiełek Małgorzata4,Sikora Anna5,Nitecka Ewa2,Chrościcki Przemysław6


1. Centrum Medyczno-Rehabilitacyjne, Reha Medica Tarnów, Polska

2. Zakład Ergonomii i Fizjologii Wysiłku Fizycznego, Instytut Fizjoterapii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, Polska

3. Ośrodek Rehabilitacji Narządu Ruchu ,,Krzeszowice” SPZOZ, Krzeszowice, Polska

4. Instytut Fizjoterapii, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Jagielloński – Collegium Medicum, Instytut Fizjoterapii, Kraków, Polska

5. Oddział Chirurgii Urazowej i Ortopedii, 5 Wojskowy Szpital Kliniczny z Polikliniką, Kraków, Polska

6. Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego w Warszawie, Filia w Białej Podlaskiej, Polska


Introduction: Spine pain syndromes are a serious social and economic problem. The government is facing problems of medical leave and medical expenses, and then with health pensions being a consequence of these ailments. Currently, new ways to prevent and fight the complaints are being sought for. Physiotherapy takes ideas for improving rehabilitation programs from various sources, the deciding factor being the patient’s relief in suffering and improvement of their functioning and even returning to full strength. Elements of Tai-Chi may be helpful with combating these ailments. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 40 people complaining about pain in the lumbar spine. Thomayer test, Schober test, Pavelka test, VAS pain scale (Visual Analog Scale) and Latinen scale were used to assess patients. Patients were examined twice - before the start of the therapy program and on the last day of the rehabilitation stay. The study group was divided into a control group (general improvement exercises) and an experimental group (general improvement exercises with additional elements of Tai-Chi exercises). A series of treatments and exercises took place 5 times a week for 2 consecutive weeks. Results: Based on the conducted research, it was found that the experimental group in which Tai-Chi elements were used, along with the standard rehabilitation program, there was a greater reduction of pain sensations than in the group subjected to the standard rehabilitation program. Considering the influence of both therapies on increasing the mobility of the lumbosacral segment, no differences were observed between the results. It can be concluded that none of the therapies has influenced the increase in mobility in a distinctive way. Conclusion: The Tai Chi Chuan program incorporation with standard interventions is more effective in reducing symptoms in low back pain patients then standard rehabilitation regiment.



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