Łagoda Katarzyna,Sierżantowicz Regina,Nadolny Klaudiusz,Ładny Jerzy Robert,Hady Hady Razak
© ALUNA Publishing HouseEmerg Med Serv, 2020; VII, 1: 5-12ORIGINAL ARTICLE5DOI: 10.36740/EmeMS202001101carDIac FUnctIon In PatIents wItH coronarY arterY DIsease PrePareD For coronarY angIograPHYKatarzyna Łagoda1, Regina Sierżantowicz2, Klaudiusz Nadolny4,5, Jerzy Robert Ładny3,4, Hady Razak Hady3Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are one of the major health issues in the world. One of the factors that adversely affects the cardiovascular system is the acceleration of heart rate.the aim: Assessment of heart rate in patients with coronary heart disease depending on age and gender, as well as determination of patients ability to measure heart rate and to interpret the results.Material and methods: The study included 100 patients, both genders (62% men), aged from 45 to 84 years (67.61 ± 9.22 years) with diagnosed coronary heart disease, directed to coronarography, hospitalized in the Department of Invasive Cardiology of the University Hospital in Białystok. The data has been gathered using own questionnaire (38 questions), NYHA and CCS scale.results: The majority of patients do not know how to measure their heart rate correctly. Subjects with higher education level and under 65 years of age more often declared the knowledge about the correct heart rate value. Only 7.9% of women and 11.3% of men performed heart rate measurements by themselves. Elderly patients less frequently per-formed heart rate measurements (p=0.017) than those under 65 years of age. As many as 84.2% of women and 75.8% of men believed that the value of the heart rate affects their health.conclusions: 1. Lack of patients’ knowledge about the impact of heart rate on the cardiovascular status and lack of self-monitoring may lead to further disease development and deterioration of health. 2. Therapeutic education performed systematically on the subject of heart rate measurement, proper lifestyle and diet are important elements in improving the health of patients with coronary heart disease.
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