The aim: The purpose of research is to improve the effectiveness of treatment by applying laser in complex treatment in patients with herpetic stomatitis.
Materials and methods: Were examined 47 people (22 men and 25 women) with acute herpetic stomatitis. The patіents’ age was from 20 to 72 years. All patients underwent immunological tests such as (T-lymphocytes (CD3 +), T-helpers (CD4 +), cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CD8 +), the content of immunoglobulins IgM, IgG, IgA and slgA in saliva to assess the іmmunological reactivity of the organism.
Results: Clinical observations have shown that when using laser therapy, the results of treatment were better than in the control group. Positive dynamics was observed as early as 1-2 days after the start of laser use and was more pronounced when used in the early stages of the disease. The use of the laser promoted a more rapid suspension of new lesions, a decrease in pain syndrome, and a more rapid regression of herpetic lesions. We have found significant improvements in the arameters of cellular and humoral іmmunity in patients of the main group.
Conclusions: Treatment of herpetic stomatitis is relevant and requires further improvement and the search for new methods. The use of a laser in the complex treatment of herpetic stomatitis has a positive effect on the course and іmmunological status of patients with herpetic stomatіtis. The manifestations of the disease healed faster, and the pain syndrome was less severe. Duration between іllness and treatment decreased on 19.7% and 26%. It is advіsable to include the method of treatment using a laser in the complex therapy of herpetic stomatitis.