Professional self-determination of future dentists in the modern realities of Ukraine


Dobrovolska Anna1




Aim: To research how the future dentists’ professional self-determination (reflects the cognitive-reflexive component of higher medical education applicants’ readiness to use digital technologies in their professional activities) develops within the formation of information technology competence in the modern realities of Ukraine. Materials and Methods: The author’s questionnaire consisted of 15 questions. The questionnaire surveys covered 98 future dentists who studied ‘Medical Informatics’ and ‘Information Technology in Dentistry’ at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University in the September-December 2017-2018 and September- December 2022-2023 academic years. The research results were assessed according to the algorithm described. The research used such methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison, concretisation, systematisation, and generalisation, as well as methods of mathematical statistics for evaluating data, namely correlation analysis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Cronbach’s alpha, Fisher’s test (F-test of equality of variances), Student’s t-test and ranking. Results: The research found positive dynamics of the professional self-determination levels (in 2022 compared to 2017, the low level decreased by 20.5%, the satisfactory level – by 19.0%, the average level increased by 20.6%, the high level – by 18.9%) and their quality, which within the research increased by 39.5%. Conclusions: By forming information technology competence, future dentists changing the priorities of professional self-determination in the modern realities of Ukraine and acquiring readiness (within the cognitive-reflexive component) to use digital technologies in professional activities.



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