Increasing the efficiency of dental disease prevention in children of younger school age through participation in a stomatological performance


Sheshukova Olga V.1,Polishchuk Tetiana V.1,Trufanova Valentyna P.1,Bauman Sofia S.1,Kazakova Kateryna S.1,Mosiienko Anna S.1,Maksymenko Alina I.1




Aim: To study the awareness of children and their parents in the prevention of dental diseases and to propose educational measures to increase it. Materials and Methods: To achieve the goal of the study, a survey of 628 children, aged 7-11 years, younger schoolchildren of Poltava and 479 of their parents was conducted using the previously developed “Dental Questionnaire for Children and Parents”. The questionnaire was based on the main indicators of the dental health of children and adolescents in accordance with the EGOHID II project (2008) and the WHO dental questionnaire (2013), and it took into account the proposals of dental organizations that regulate the assessment of oral health in children. Based on the results of the survey, a script for oral hygiene lesson for junior schoolchildren was developed using theatrical and game elements. Results: The results of the conducted research indicate the low sanitary and hygienic awareness of parents, the paternalism of their thinking, which leads to the lack of control over the hygiene of the oral cavity of children. In order to solve this problem, a scenario of informational explanatory conversation was created with the involvement of modern methods of communication and intern doctors who have acquired relevant knowledge and communication skills. Conclusions: Informing of children about the prevention of dental diseases in the form of a dental performance is a relevant sanitary and educational event that motivates children to observe the rules of oral hygiene.



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