The aim: To investigate the in!uence of prescribing a complex of amino acids in pathogenetic therapy in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis on liver function.
Materials and methods: The study included 50 patients with drug susceptible TB and 50 patients with drug-resistant TB (multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant).
Results: The study included 50 patients with drug susceptible tuberculosis (TB) and 50 patients with drug-resistant TB. When comparing biochemical pa-rameters characterizing liver function in patients with drug-susceptible TB after 1 month of anti-tuberculosis therapy, it was found that patients receiving additional therapy with a complex of amino acids had a lower level of bilirubin, p<0.05. After 60 doses, patients receiving additional therapy with amino acids had signi"cantly lower bilirubin levels alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), p <0.05. When comparing the biochemical parameters characterizing liver function in patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis after a month of anti-tuberculosis therapy, signi"cantly higher protein level was found in the groups of patients receiving additional therapy with amino acids, as well as signi"cantly lower ALT level, AST and creatinine p<0.05.
Conclusions: The additional appointment of the complex of amino acids in the pathogenetic therapy of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis makes it possible to reduce the severity of hepatotoxic reactions manifested by the main parameters (AST, ALT, total bilirubin) and to increase the protein-synthetic function of the liver, which allows us to recommend their appointment to improve the tolerance of anti-tuberculosis therapy.
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