The aim: Improving the ability to restore the shape and function of the bones of the maxillofacial area through the use of their own techniques.
Materials and methods: Materials and methods: This research was carry out on the basis of the Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of Kharkov National Medical University in the Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Kharkov “Regional Clinical Hospital” (2018-2020 years). Examination and treatment of 26 patients, aged from 19 to 55 years, who needed reconstructive surgery to restore the anatomical shape, integrity and function of the maxilla or mandibular jaw.
Results: All patients were treated according to the developed method (utility model patent № 145754 “Method of treating traumatic fractures of the maxillofacial area in adults using bone osteosynthesis 3D modeled titanium mini plates”), which consists in 3D modeling, based on previously performed computed tomography, and exploitation individually modeled titanium mini grids and titanium endoprostheses. The experience of this technique shown the advantage of the proposed method not only in the correction of traumatic defects, but also defects of the jaw bones that occur due to the removal of bulky neoplasms.
Conclusions: Individual 3D simulated mini grids / plates and endoprostheses, according to the study provide maximum adaptation and restoration of anatomical shape, relief of jaws, their integrity and contour, provide prevention of pathological fractures by stabilizing residual bone tissue (titanium mini grids) serves as a carcass , provide prevention of prolapse (germination) of soft tissues in the area of postoperative bone defect (mini grid does not allow soft tissues to germinate in the area of postoperative bone defect on the outside), which improves functional and cosmetic results. Thus, our proposed method of osteosynthesis using 3D simulated titanium miniplates can be recommended for use in clinical practice.
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