The aim: Is to examine the establishment and development of the international legal framework in the field of public health; to identify objects of public health regulation; to outline ways to improve and develop the existing public health standards, taking into account new challenges facing humanity.
Materials and methods: The research is based on the analysis of international agreements of universal and regional levels on public health, and scientific achievements in this field. The methodological basis comprises special and general methods, in particular, dialectical, axiological, formal, and other methods.
Conclusions: The international community makes significant efforts to develop regulations in the field of public health. The emergence of these acts is associated with the emergence of a problem that affects the health of many categories of people, tends to spread rapidly, and results in significant damage to public health. Unfortunately, the objects of regulation of such agreements tend to expand due to the emergence of new challenges to human health, the evolution of diseases, and the factors that determine their occurrence. It is considered necessary to unite the efforts of the world community in order to improve the situation in the field of public health. These efforts should include: greater accession to international agreements in the field of public health; organisation of international cooperation to assist in combating the spread of new diseases, including the development of medicines, vaccines, exchange of best practices in this field, etc.; carrying out preventive medical measures at the national level, educational work among the whole population on the observance of sanitary norms, norms of hygiene, consequences of use of harmful substances (narcotic and psychotropic substances, tobacco, etc.), and so on.