The aim: To highlight and analyze the international aspect of the legal regulation of human organs and tissues transplantation, as well as foreign experience of regulation in this area within the relevant national legal systems (for example, US, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, Spain, Argentina, China and India).
Materials and methods: Methodologically, this work is based on the system of methods, scientific approaches, techniques and principles with the help of which the realization of the research aim is carried out. There have been applied universal, general scientific and special legal methods.
Conclusions: Thus, the efforts of the international community and the countries under study in the field of transplantation are focused on a wide range of important issues that need to be regulated. The international legal regulation of transplantation covers the results of the activities of such international organizations as the World Health Organization, the Council of Europe, and the World Medical Assembly. The acts adopted by them are mainly of a recommendatory nature (with the exception of some Council of Europe acts on trafficking in human organs) and are addressed primarily to States, offering guidelines and standards for the legal regulation of transplantation within national legal orders. Therefore, the issues of donation and transplantation of human organs and tissues in the respective states are determined by special legislative acts, which comprehensively regulate the procedure for their transplantation.
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