Ultrasound assessment of the risk of venous thromboembolic complications in thrombosis of varicose transformed tributaries of the great saphenous vein


Popovych Yaroslav M.1,Kostiunin Volodymyr S.1




Aim: To evaluate the ultrasound criteria for venous thromboembolic complications in patients with thrombosis of varicose veins of the tributaries of the great saphenous vein (GSV). Materials and Methods: The results of ultrasound examination of 52 patients with thrombosis of varicose veins of the tributaries of GSV were analyzed. The indicators of venous hemodynamics were compared with the control group (CG) (n=32). Results: Varicose transformation of GSV and failure of its valvular apparatus were detected in 44 (84.6%) patients, in 8 (15.4%) patients the superficial venous highway was intact. Vertical reflux was diagnosed in varicose ectasia of GSV: local reflux in 14 (31.8%), widespread reflux in 14 (31.8%), and total reflux in 16 (36.4%) patients. The diameter of GSV in tributary varicothrombophlebitis was 8.9±0.27 mm (p<0.05 vs. CG) and 11.2±0.25 mm (p<0.05 vs. CG) in the horizontal and vertical positions, respectively. The proximal and distal borders of thrombosis exceeded the clinical ones by 15.26±1.21 cm (p<0.05) and 7.94±1.32 cm (p<0.05), respectively. The spread of tributary thrombophlebitis to the superficial venous highway was detected in 14 (26.9%) patients, among whom 12 (85.7%) patients had unfixed apices of thrombotic masses. Conclusions: The results obtained convincingly demonstrate the need for early ultrasound examination of patients with tributary thrombophlebitis, which allows to identify the real limits of the thrombotic process, timely diagnose the transition of the thrombotic process to superficial and deep venous lines, effectively predict the risk of venous thromboembolic complications and choose the optimal surgical tactics.



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