Spiritual health under the wartime: existential aspects


Vasylieva Iryna V.1,Shevchenko Serhii L.1,Hololobova Kateryna O.1,Laputko Anna V.1,Kiriienko Serhii V.1




Aim: To study the spiritual health in existential dimensions, as well as the meaning, value, and emotional components of spiritual health of Ukrainians under the wartime. Materials and Methods: The theoretical and methodological framework of the paper is represented by the works of scholars in classical existentialism, contemporary philosophers, psychologists, medical psychologists, theologians, sociologists, etc. The complex nature of the issue necessitated the use of interdisciplinary approaches, philosophical, general scientific and special sociological methods of gathering, processing and analyzing information. Results: The article analyzes the perception of spirituality and spiritual health related to mental and social aspects in the philosophy of classical existentialism and existential-humanistic psychology. The paper justifies the heuristic potential of these approaches for maintaining spiritual health of Ukrainians, which is based on holistic approaches to human beings and their spiritual frames. The article represents the results of sociological research by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Scientific Research Institute of Social and Economic Development of the City, and a survey of the PhD students of the Bogomolets National Medical University (N=103) made by the authors, representing the results of statistical treatment of the spiritual health characteristics: emotional, value and meaning components. Conclusions: The study has shown that the deterioration of mental health indicators of Ukrainians during the war is not accompanied by corresponding negative trends in their spiritual health. However, further research on this issue is necessary, including studies among respondents from other age groups (faculty, staff of the Bogomolets National Medical University).



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