Dental treatment of children under general anesthesia during the period of matrial law


Kaniura Oleksandr A.1,Koval Olga I.1,Bidenko Nataliia V.1




Aim: To summarize the experience of providing dental medical care under general anesthesia to children from different regions of Ukraine during the martial law, taking into account the factors affecting the choice of optimal conditions for dental treatment. Materials and Methods: Dental treatment under general anesthesia of 1,258 children from different regions of Ukraine has been performed since March 2022. The condition of the teeth (df, df+DMF, DMF) and hygienic state of the oral cavity (OHI-S) were determined. The level of awareness of parents regarding the preservation of children’s dental health was studied through a questionnaire. Results: An unsatisfactory oral hygiene, a high level of caries were found in the vast majority of children. The highest df was observed in the group of children aged 3 to 6 years (7.14±0.33), which is significantly higher than in the group of children under 3 years of age (4.32±1.04, p≤0.05). The worst oral hygiene was observed in children aged 6-12 years (OHI-S 2.62±0.32). An insufficient level of awareness of parents and children regarding dental health was revealed. A total of 1,712 operations under general anesthesia were performed. The majority of patients could not regularly appear for follow-up examinations due to the forced departure from the country. Conclusions: The organization of dental treatment under general anesthesia allows solving a number of problems of dental care for children during the war.



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