The aim: To substantiate the need for a combination of interdisciplinary approaches to diagnosis, treatment and correction of dento-maxillofacial anomalies of teenagers based on the analysis of the need for orthodontic treatment using the DAI, IOTN, ICON aesthetic indices.
Materials and methods: Empirical, epidemiological, clinical, analytical-synthetic, sociological, psychological research methods, questionnaires, dental indexeshave been used in various combinations.
Results: As a result of a clinical examination of 2,260 teenagers (1,096 boys and 1,124 girls), 1,474 individuals have been bselected for orthodontic treatment with the following degree of complexity: mild – in 25 examined (35.71±4.95%), moderate – in 31 individuals (44.28± 5.48%), heavy – 14 (20.00±3.11%). After an in-depth dental examination and determination of the psychological profile, 70 teenagers have been selected for treatment.
Conclusions: The effectiveness of the use of dental indices as a screening tool to eliminate the discrepancy between objective medical indicators of the level of need for correction of dento-maxillofacial anomalies and the level of expected results in adolescents has been proven.
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