1. 1. Case of Danilov v. Ukraine (Application no. 2585/06) Judgment of 13 March 2014 Available from: http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/rus?i=001-141625 [reviewed 2020.08.10].
2. 2. Case of Belousov v. Ukraine (Application no. 4494/07) Judgment of 7 November 2013 Available from: http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/rus?i=001-127813 [reviewed 2020.08.10].
3. 3. Case of Rudyak v. Ukraine (Application no. 40514/06) Judgment of 4 September 2014 Available from: http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/rus?i=001-146356 [reviewed 2020.08.10].
4. 4. Case of Grigoryan and Sergeyeva v. Ukraine (Application no. 63409/11) Judgment of 28 March 2017 Available from: http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/rus?i=001-172323 [reviewed 2020.08.10].
5. 5. Case of Strogan v. Ukraine (Application no. 30198/11) Judgment of 6 October 2016 Available from: http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/rus?i=001-166957 [reviewed 2020.08.10].