The aim: To detect the main problems regarding available high-quality stomatological service in Ukraine and define their main solutions.
Materials and methods: The authors used general scientific methods of synthesis, generalization, scientific data interpreting, systemic approach method, medical statistic method, and analysis of the activity of state and private institutions dealing with stomatological service in Ukraine. The paper is based on the materials of a representative selective study of Ukrainian households, held by the State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine to study people’s self-estimation of their health and the availability of certain medical services.
Results: Most citizens of Ukraine (60-80%) are treated in the state/public healthcare sector. Though, during the last century, a decrease in dental visits per citizen in the state and public institutions has been noted, as well as a decrease of all medical service types’ volume, offered in the mentioned institutions. In Ukraine the observed trends are represented as the decrease in the network institutions number, insufficient budgeting of state/public medical institutions, prevailing commercial characteristics of stomatological service and people’s low income, which leads to decreased affordability, and quality of medical service, thus negatively affecting people’s health.
Conclusions: The fundamental studies of the quality assessment show that the medical service requires strong structure, process quality, and result quality. The quality of medical service organization is extremely important and it should be maintained high on all levels of management and treatment processes, regarding the conditions of medical process and resources of medical organizations. Medical service should be patient-centered. To solve the problem, the entire state system of quality management is required in Ukraine.
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