The aim: To establish the frequency, structure and features of the clinical course of facial and neck burns in children.
Materials and methods: During 5 years, 78 patients aged from 6 months to 15 years with isolated burns of the face and neck and in combination with lesions of other anatomical areas were treated. In the dynamics of observation of patients were used classical methods of examination, and in their treatment we followed the protocol of medical care for this category of patients.
Results: Thermal injuries of the face and neck accounted for 12.6% of the total number of patients with burns. Their isolated lesion was 26.9%, and in combination with other areas it was 73.1%. The most frequently affected were children of nursery, primary school and preschool age, with a predominance of rural residents (52.6%), mostly boys (78.0%). Anesthesia support had to be used in the treatment of 24 patients (30,8%). The features and nature of the burns depended on the relief of the face and the most damaged are its protruding parts.
Conclusions: Open flames were the most common cause of thermal burns of the face and neck in children, and the lesions were combined with burns to the chest, abdomen, and limbs. The main reasons were reckless behavior of children, their increased mobility and lack of care for their relatives. It should be noted that in 3.8% of victims there was a delay in mental and physical development.
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1 articles.