The aim: To investigate the social danger of domestic violence, find out its principal manifestations, consequences, and impact on women and minors' health. Based on the acquired knowledge, to suggest ways to overcome this problem, which will minimize the consequences of domestic violence.
Materials and methods: The authors studied and analyzed international legal acts, Ukraine's legislation, and scientific publications on domestic violence. The method of
statistical processing of analytical data of the World Health Organization (hereinafter - WHO), the Institute of Demography and Social Research at the request of the UN Population Fund, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine (for 2017 - first half of 2020) were used. A comparative method of research was useful in comparing the number of cases of domestic violence in Ukraine and Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conclusion: It is concluded that domestic violence is a socially dangerous act that negatively affects all family members, as it causes significant damage to health and life. The most dangerous are the consequences of domestic violence on the physical and mental health of women and minors, who are particularly vulnerable to this negative manifestation. Rehabilitation is said to help minimize the effects of domestic violence, restore the physical and mental health of victims, and return them to normal social life.
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