The aim: To empirically investigate the psychological readiness of physicians for adaptive learning during the acquisition of professional competences in the system of
postgraduate medical education.
Materials and methods: We surveyed a sample of 148 physicians who began studying the discipline of Psychology of Conflict, which was specially developed by us on the
principles of adaptive learning. There were three occupational groups among doctors: surgeons (n = 47), therapists (n = 53) and pediatricians (n = 48).
In the work a range of methods are used: content analysis, biblio-semantic, systematic approach, analysis of products of activity, psycho-diagnostic methods.
Results: When characterizing the identified and calculated integral indicators, the most pronounced for the entire study sample is the desire for dominance (85%), adaptation
and emotional comfort at 75%. The lowest percentage of self-perception – 65%, slightly higher internality (68%). Acceptance of others at 78%.
In general, the dominant factor of the 148 physicians was service motived, indicating that this group is truly focused on the benefit of their patients and others. Our researchers
perceive their work as a service, as a means of being useful to people, society and humanity as a whole. This is an indicator of high readiness for adaptive learning in the
postgraduate medical education system.
The results of the method of “Self-regulation style of behavior” by the doctors of the three medical specialties studied by us testify to their readiness for active inclusion in the
system of adaptive training in postgraduate medical education.
Conclusions: Based on the results of our empirical study, we are able state that the doctors who participated in the study are ready for adaptive training in the system of
postgraduate medical education. The results of our research can be basis for drafting recommendations for adaptive education, which can be grounded on a competent approach.