The aim: To perform a retrospective analysis of leptospirosis morbidity in Ivano-Frankivsk region, to give the etiological characteristics of leptospirosis according to clinicallaboratory
parameters, to determine the peculiarities of the course, prognostic features.
Materials and methods: Data of the State Enterprise “Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, reports and abstracts of medical
records of the Regional Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital for 2009-2018 were used. Clinical observation of patients, analysis of general-clinical, biochemical, and serological
indices were carried out.
Results: The leptospirosis morbidity in Ivano-Frankivsk region during 2009-2018 was higher than in general in Ukraine. Activation of foci of leptospirosis L. pomona and
grippotyphosa in 2009-2013, decrease of L. grippotyphosa and increase of L. pomona foci and “new” L. autumnalis, australis, bataviae, cynopteri in 2014-2018 were noted. The
emergence of leptospirosis L. autumnalis, which had a high virulence and caused a severe course, was noted.
Conclusions: The leptospirosis morbidity in the Ivano-Frankivsk region over the past 10 years has exceeded the incidence in Ukraine and varied within 0.62-2.2 per 100,000.
During the last 5 years, the serological structure has changed: L. pomona (27.7%) prevailed, L. grippotyphosa decreased (2.1%), L. bataviae and cynopteri, autumnalis increased
(by 8.5%). Seasonality is shifted in the autumn-winter period (November-February) (L. grippotyphosa, australis, pomona, canicola). According to forecasts, leptospirosis induced
by L. autumnalis was most adverse. Leptospiroses of serogroups L. australis, bataviae, cynopteri had a mild course, there were fewer complications.
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