The aim: The aim of this study is to assess the training of medical interns in Baghdad Medical City Complex.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the Medical City Complex, Baghdad. The study targeted all the medical interns who finished year one of internship. A questionnaire form was designed for data collection. A questionnaire form was done according to the Medical Interns’ Guideline adopted by the Minister of Health in 2015.
Results: A total of 60 interns filled the questionnaire, their mean age is 27.07 years (SD = 2.04), male respondents constituted 48.3%. Twenty-seven respondents (45%) were from Baghdad Medical College. More than half (58%) of them were singles. The mean pre-internship score was 69.32 (SD = 6.6). About half of the interns (29, 48.3%) have a future interest in surgery. Average preparedness for the internship was reported in 45% of interns. Half of the interns had prior ideas about the internship through variable means. A larger percentage of interns reported average/poor quality of training in different aspects of medical internships. Accepted quality of training (above average and excellent) and average one were reported respectively by 19 (31.7%) and 31(51.7%) of interns in general surgery, followed by the internal medicine branch. Thirty-one (51.7%) interns were moderately prepared for their future medical careers. Surgeons and general physicians gained better opinions (above average and excellent) from the interns (17, 28.3%, and 13, 21.6%) respectively.
Conclusion: There was a deficiency in the preparedness of newly graduated doctors for the internship. But they reported an average skill performance in major medical branches, and some related laboratory and medical procedures, there was a defect in dealing with emergency cases. The Supervision of interns was below average in gynecology and obstetrics units and was good in other branches. The medical school training was poor to help interns in dealing with deaths and legal medicine cases. More than 50% of trainees were prepared for the future medical branches of interest.
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