The aim: To study the features of clinical wound healing (intensity and duration of inflammatory reaction) after the indications for patients with generalized periodontitis II, III degrees of severity of patch surgery accompanied by normo-, hyper- and hyporeactivity of the body.
Materials and methods: 216 people aged 45 between 55 years with a diagnosis of generalized periodontitis of II, III degree of severity, chronic course were examined. Depending on the condition of reactivity of the organism, the patients were divided into three groups: the first one consisted of people with normoreaction; the second group included patients with hyperreaction; the third group was made up by people with hyporeaction. The patients after the initial therapy, underwent patch surgery. Initially, on the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 9th day after the operation, the clinical examination of the periodontal tissues (examination, hygienic and periodontal indices) was performed. Statistical processing of the obtained digital data was performed using the computer program Statistica 8.0.
Results: Normoreactivity of the body determines the normal time of wound healing after patch surgery, which on the 9th day is characterized by the clinical condition of the gingival mucosa, which corresponds to the concept “healthy” for 98% of patients. In case of hyperreactivity of the organism slowing down of processes of wound healing for 3-4 days in comparison with the time which is typical for normoreactivity with dynamics of the indices which specifies long intensive character of inflammatory reaction in the postoperative period has been observed. In case of hyporeactivity of the body as well as in case of hyperreaction, there was a slowdown in wound healing for 3-4 days compared with normoreactivity with the dynamics of indices that showed slow sluggish nature of the inflammatory reaction in the postoperative period.
Conclusions: Correction of altered parameters in patients with generalized periodontitis accompanied by impaired (hyper- and hypo-) reactivity of the body with bringing them to values which are typical for normoreactivity is considered to be a condition for optimizing mucosal wound healing after surgery and further stabilization of the periodontal tissues.
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