The aim is to analyze the leading directions of volunteer activity of Ukrainian students in the field of medical, social assistance, education of children, youth and adults in Galicia (end of the 19th – 30s of the 20th century).
Materials and methods: The study uses a number of scientific methods: chronological, historical, specific search, content analysis – provide selection, analysis of the source base, allow to identify general trends, directions of development, achievements and gaps of the Ukrainian student movement in Galicia in the field of medical, social care, education and enlightenment of children and adults in the late XIX – 30s of the XX century; extrapolation and actualization – focus on creative thinking, adaptation and use of this historical experience under the current conditions.
Conclusions: Voluntary activity of Ukrainian students (end of the 19th – 30s of the 20th century) is an interesting peculiar phenomenon not only in national, but also in European history, which has real achievements and deserves a scientific and theoretical understanding from the standpoint of today. Student volunteer experience in the field of social and medical protection of children and adults, education, cultural development, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, dissemination of sanitary and hygienic knowledge, medical counseling can be useful and instructive now, when Ukraine is fighting against the Russian aggressor. We outline the volunteer activity of students who belonged to the “Medychna hromada” society (1910-1944) as a national phenomenon of the organization of public medical care of the population of Galicia, which has no analogue in the history of Ukrainian medicine. It is primarily about a high degree of civic self-awareness, patriotism, self-sacrifice for the benefit of the Ukrainian people, the provision of medical services to low-income sections of the population, widows, orphans, disabled people, veterans of the Great War, medical care of children and youth, etc. – all this inspires modern doctors who provide assistance to soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, wounded in hospitals, internally displaced persons, etc.
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