Professional self-determination of future doctors: priorities in conditions of the war in Ukraine


Dobrovolska Anna1




Aim: Our goal was to find out the dynamics of the levels of professional self-determination of the higher medical education applicants who acquire information technology competence within the learning of ‘Medical Informatics’ and ‘Modern Information Technologies in Medicine’ during the war in Ukraine and investigate how the professional self-determination of future doctors develops. Materials and Methods: The questionnaire for the survey consisted of 15 questions. 382 future specialists covered the questionnaire survey. All respondents studied majoring in 222 ‘Medicine’ at the medical faculty of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. The results of this research we evaluated according to the defined algorithm. Results: We established that under the condition of the formation of information technology competence, during the war there is a positive dynamic of the professional self-determination levels and their quality as the cognitive-reflexive component of future doctors’ readiness to use digital technologies in their professional activity and there is also a change in the priorities of professional self-determination. Conclusions: In extreme conditions, during the war in Ukraine, the future doctors as subjects of professional activity who use digital technologies within the information technology competence which formed during the learning of ‘Medical Informatics’ and ‘Modern Information Technologies in Medicine’ changed the priorities of professional self-determination, the quality of the levels of which has improved.



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