Aim: Analyzing of the last-time papers in this subject in organizing, diagnostic and surgery tactic is the aim of this work.
Materials and Methods: The study analyzed the experience of treating patients with maxillofacial polytrauma before and after February 24, 2022. Research methods: bibliographic, systematic, comparative, general clinical, radiological and retrospective analysis.
Conclusions: Tactic of the multidisciplinal team should based on the principles of damage control, which involves the initial performance of manipulations and surgical interventions that ensure the patient’s survival. Modern strategies for infusion-transfusion therapy play a significant role in severe trauma cases. Choosing the rational management of this therapy for severe trauma remains an important issue. Reconstructive surgeries are recommended to be performer deferred, after surgical wound management, neurosurgical interventions and stabilization of the patient common status. Patients with maxillofacial polytrauma needs in specialized medical care at all the levels. Active wound management aimed at creating favorable conditions for healing, comprehensive medical treatment, prevention, early detection and timely treatment of complications.
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