The aim: To investigate the clinical features of the chronic pancreatitis (CP) clinical course in patients with concomitant arterial hypertension.
Materials and methods: 100 patients with PD were investigated. In 60 patients, the course of CP and AH was combined - the main group, the comparison group - 40 patients with CP without concomitant pathology.
Results: In 52 patients (86.7%) with CP and AH abdominal pain was recorded versus 24 (60.0%) with CP (p<0.01). Correlation analysis revealed weak relationship between the intensity of pain acc. Visual analogue scale (VAS) of pain and the degree of steatorrhea (τ = 0.40, p <0.01), the degree of amilorrhea (τ = 0.39, p <0.01) and the average strength of the relationship with creatorrhoea (τ = 0.60 , p <0.01). Dyspepsia was revealed in CP and AH: flatulence in 55 (91.7%) compared with 26 (65.0%) with CP, diarrhea in 52 (86.7%) patients in the main group versus 23 (57.5%) in the comparison group, nausea in 52 (86.7%), vomiting in 45 (75.0%) in the main group versus 18 (45.0%) and 12 (30.0%) patients from the comparison group (p<0.01 in all comparisons). Asthenia is expressed in patients with CP and AH: weakness in 50 (83.3%) patients versus 6 (15.0%), psychoemotional lability in 44 (73.3%) versus 3 (7.5%), headache in 47 (78.3%) versus 6 (15.0%), sleep disorders in 45 (75.0%) compared with 1 (2.5%) patients with CP (p<0.01 in all comparisons).
Conclusions: The negative effect of concomitant hypertension on the clinical course of CP has been established. AH contributes to increased pain syndrome, dyspepsia, asthenia.
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