Analysis of indicators of caries of permanent teeth in children according to the endemic features of the Poltava region, Ukraine


Amosova Lyudmila I.1,Kaskova Lyudmyla F.1,Pavlenkova Oksana S.1,Khmil Olena V.1,Novikova Svitlana Ch.1,Ulasevych Larysa P.1




Aim: This research is focused at analyzing the indicators and substantiating the peculiarities of caries prevention in permanent teeth in schoolchildren of Poltava region, taking into account the endemic features of the Poltava region. Materials and Methods: A comparative study was conducted among 608 pupils of secondary schools in Kremenchuk, who consumed drinking water with fluoride concentrations in the lower limits of the norm, and 1214 pupils of secondary schools in Poltava, who consumed drinking water with fluoride concentrations in the optimal upper limits of the norm. Results: The rates of caries in permanent teeth in children living in a region with fluoride concentrations in drinking water in the optimal-upper normal range are several times lower than in children of the same age living in a region with fluoride concentrations in drinking water in the lower normal range, and a significant increase in the prevalence and intensity of caries is observed from 7 to 9 to 12 years of age, as teeth after eruption are most vulnerable to caries. In a region where the fluoride concentration in drinking water is in the optimal-upper range of the norm, children with early forms of fluorosis have the lowest prevalence and intensity of caries. Conclusions: Endemic features of the region directly affect the prevalence and intensity of the caries process. In regions with a fluoride concentration in drinking water within the optimal upper limits of the norm, prevention of caries in permanent teeth in children should be carried out taking into account the presence of fluorosis.



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