
Kabdeldayeva M. I.1,Shubayeva G. S.1,Issayeva L. T.1


1. Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


The paper analyzes the scientific literature data of recent years on the topic of the study. The study involved 8th grade students with mild intellectual disabilities. The purpose of the study: to identify the information and communication competence (ICT) of children with intellectual disabilities and selectively take measures to improve it. The ascertaining experiment included the following research directions: 1) problems and results of teachers' use of digital technologies; 2) definition of the main ICT competencies of students. A survey was conducted among students with mild mental retardation, compiled in accordance with the content of the standard curriculum on the subject "Computer Science" for the 8th grade of updated content. In accordance with the answer options, depending on the total number of points, 4 degrees of self-assessment of students' assimilation of information technology were allocated: "did not master", "mastered only initial skills", "mastered average", "mastered well", "mastered fully". The questions were grouped according to the sections titled "Information Processes", "Computer Systems" and "Health and Safety". The occurrence of the answer "mastered only basic skills" was 27% for the 1st section, 33% for the 2nd section and 52% for the 3rd section. And the answer "not mastered" was equal to 16%, 16% and 18%, respectively. In accordance with the results obtained, a formative experiment was conducted with the students, extracurricular activities were organized: quizzes, excursions, games, physical and eye exercises, thematic educational hours. Such classes were held once a week for 6 months. The effectiveness of the work carried out was noted: indicators for all sections of the curriculum were increased. The frequency of occurrence of the answer "mastered only basic skills" in the 1st part remained at the same level of 27%, but in the 2nd part it decreased to 31%, and in the 3rd part - to 43%. And the answer "not mastered", corresponding to the low level, significantly decreased in all sections and was equal to 6%. Correspondingly, the proportion of responses "mastered well", "mastered fully" increased.


Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


General Medicine

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