Assessment of the needs of children with disabilities in the preschool education program


Baimuratova A. T.1,Dosbol P. B.1,Sabralieva G. E.2


1. National Scientific and Practical Center for the Development of Special and Inclusive Education

2. Sanatorium nursery-kindergarten No. 21, Almaty


The article actualizes the problem of mastering a standard program of preschool education and training for children with disabilities integrated into preschool educational organizations. It presents a brief analysis of the key aspects of pedagogical diagnostics and assessment of the special educational needs of children with disabilities of preschool age. The authors note that the existing monitoring of the assimilation of the content of the standard preschool education and training program is insufficiently focused on the needs of children with disabilities included in the common educational space with normotypic children. In this regard, they present and describe tools for assessing the special educational needs of this group of children in the process of mastering the program in a preschool educational organization.               For experimental verification of the developed tools, a pilot study was conducted at the KSU "Sanatorium nursery-garden No. 21" in Almaty. The novelty of this research lies in the development and implementation of a new method of interaction of preschool teachers in the process of psychological and pedagogical support. This method includes a preliminary assessment of the skills and abilities of children with disabilities, which complements and improves the traditional monitoring of the assimilation of the preschool education and training program.               The article describes this process, including the steps and methodological approaches used by the participants of the experiment. Special attention is paid to the activation of interaction between preschool teachers (educators, a teacher of the Kazakh language, a music director, a physical education instructor) implementing a program of preschool education and training, and specialists of psychological and pedagogical support. The article demonstrates how cooperation between teachers and specialists contributes to the successful adaptation of the educational process for children with disabilities, creating conditions for their full development in an inclusive educational environment.


Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


General Medicine

Reference21 articles.

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