Semiotics of the fictional worlds: ideological (in)homogeneity of the transmedia franchises (by the example of fantasy stories and stories about superheroes)


Furs V. V.1ORCID


1. European Humanities University


The article presents the results of a semiotic analysis of fictional worlds in transmedia franchises. Fictional worlds of a number of popular fantasy narratives as well as stories about superheroes were chosen as the subject matter. In line with the goal stated in the introduction, this study focuses on how visual and narrative conventions encourage the circulation of certain connotative meanings between the various works of the transmedia franchise, maintaining the ideological homogeneity of its fictional world, as well as how a change in ideology can further develop the franchise and expand its fictional world. The work explored the connection between the concept of ideology and the opposition of good and evil in mass narratives. It was shown exactly how popular culture tries to demonstrate «genetic relationship» with literary classics and folklore through a rigid division of characters into «bad» and «good». A semiotic analysis of a number of transmedia narratives has revealed how the use of visual conventions in the representation of good and evil provides a preferred reading of the narrative by audience members. In a broader perspective, it is concluded that modern mass narratives, seeking to expand the target audience, are characterized by certain ideological flexibility, abandoning the ideology of white patriarchal capitalism, characteristic of earlier works.


Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


General Medicine

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