Features of the course of teeth caries in children of Bukovina region


Kotelban A.V.1ORCID


1. Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


The prevalence of dental diseases is high, regardless of age. In the literature, the indicators of the prevalence and intensity of the main dental nosologies in different parts of Ukraine are widely covered. However, they are significantly higher in regions with contrasting geographical conditions, one of which is the Chernivtsi region. That is why the study of dental morbidity in children in the age aspect in this region is relevant. The purpose of the study is to study the prevalence and intensity of caries of temporary and permanent teeth in children of different ages living in Bukovina. To establish the dental status of children in Bukovyna, we examined 839 children of various ages in 13 schools of Chernivtsi region. The following observation groups were selected: I – 306 6-year-old children, II – 298 12-year-old children, III – 235 15-year-old children. The prevalence, intensity of caries of temporary and permanent teeth, Significant Caries Index, level of dental care were evaluated. The degree of probability of the obtained results was statistically assessed. Because of the conducted research, it was established that the incidence of caries of temporary and permanent teeth, regardless of age and region of residence, is high: in 6-year-old children ‒ 96.73%, in 12-year-old children ‒ 84.89%, in 15-year-old children ‒ 89.78%. In temporary teeth, the intensity of caries was 5.19±0.30 teeth. In the structure of the index, the "d" component was from 77.47% to 87.45% depending on the region, with the share of caries complications in this structure – 12.53‒15.48%. Prematurely removed temporary molars were detected in all regions of Bukovyna: from 1.59% to 4.39%. Every fourth to fifth child aged 6 has 1-2 recently erupted permanent teeth affected by caries, and in mountainous areas – almost every second one. The "D" component was also predominant. In its structure, 5.55% were complications of caries in recently erupted permanent teeth of children living in the mountainous region. With age, the values of the caries intensity index increased: 4.28 times in 12-year-olds and 6.40 times in 15-year-olds compared to 6-year-olds. The ratio between the components of the indicator remained the same as in the previous age period ‒ the number of carious teeth predominated over filled ones. At 12-year-old children, caries complications were 7.95%, at 15-year-old children – 5.57%. The level of providing dental care to children was satisfactory only for 15-year-old children of the Vyzhnytsky district. In the rest of the regions, regardless of age, the level of providing dental care was insufficient. Therefore, the high prevalence and intensity of caries of temporary and permanent teeth, the insufficient level of providing dental care indicate the need to study the risk factors for the development of caries in children for the further development of regionally adapted treatment and prevention programs. Keywords: children, caries, complications of caries, prevalence, intensity, SiC-index.


Kharkiv National Medical University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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