1. Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of foam for skin regeneration "SUN-EKT®" in cosmetology practice after removal of neoplasms, exposure to chemical peeling or the irritating effect of cosmetology and hardware procedures. 107 patients were examined after the removal of neoplasms and/or irritating procedures, who were divided into 3 groups: І included 38 patients who used "SUN-EKT®" for skin regeneration, ІІ – 33 patients who used "Panthenol", ІІІ – 36 patients who used other regenerative means or expected self-healing of injuries. The indicators of hydration of the stratum corneum, the 10-point scale of pain sensation (Numerical Rating Scale), applied dermatoscopy and skin analyzer were studied in comparison. In the І group, the intensity of pain was 5.9 points on the 1st day from the start of using "SUN-EKT®", 4.3 – on the 3rd day, 2.8 – on the 7th day. For comparison, in the II group this indicator was 6.8, 6.1 and 3.7; and in the III group – 7.7, 7.1 and 5.9 points in the corresponding terms. The average value of the "hydration of the stratum corneum" indicator in the I group on the 1st day from the start of using "SUN-EKT®" was 23.2; after 3 days – 27.6; after 7 days – 32.1, i.e. increased by 38.4% over 7 days. For comparison, in II and III groups it was 21.1; 22.3; and 27.1, as well as 18.4; 19.6; and 22.7 in the corresponding periods, and increased by 28.4% and 23.4%, respectively. Non-invasive skin monitoring revealed a gradual decrease in manifestations of hyperemia, edema, and hypervascularity within 7 days in all three groups, but the rate of recovery was the fastest in group I and the slowest in group III. It was concluded that according to all indicators, the healing process was the best in the I group, which allows us to recommend "SUN-EKT®" for wide use.
Keywords: wounds, burns, laser epilation, healing, injection and hardware cosmetology.
Kharkiv National Medical University
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