Cassali Geovanni Dantas,Campos Cecília Bonolo de,Bertagnolli Angélica Cavalheiro,Estrela-Lima Alessandra,Lavalle Gleidice Eunice,Damasceno Karine Araújo,Di Nardi Andrigo Barboza,Cogliati Bruno,Costa Fernanda Vieira Amorim da,Sobral Renata,Di Santis Giovana Wingeter,Fernandes Cristina Gevehr,Ferreira Enio,Salgado Breno Souza,Vieira-Filho Carlos Humberto da Costa,Silva Danielle Nascimento,Martins-Filho Emanoel Ferreira,Teixeira Stéfane Valgas,Nunes Fernanda Camargo,Nakagaki Karen Yumi Ribeiro
Mammary neoplasms are described as the third most common type of feline tumor, after haematopoietic and skin tumors, and present a challenge for clinicians because the prognosis for feline mammary tumors ranges from guarded to poor. Thus, it is necessary to define new therapeutic approaches and establish more in-depth knowledge about this disease in felines. The main aspects of the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of feline mammary neoplasia were discussed, aiming to standardize the criteria and to serve as a guide for pathologists and veterinary clinicians.
Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA)
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10 articles.