The Effect of Different Climatic Conditions on Soil Formation in Çanakkale


YÜKSEL Aykut1,EKİNCİ Hüseyin2


1. Çanakkale il Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü



This study was conducted within the borders of Çanakkale Province Yenice (Ahiler village-P1) and Ezine (Kızıltepe village-P2)and formation of two soil profiles on andesitic rocks under different precipitation and temperature conditions were investigated. The annual average rainfall of Yenice district (847 mm) is higher than that of Ezine (547 mm). Some physicochemical analyzes and mineralogical analyzes such as XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), and EDS - EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy), and major oxides were performed was performed on soil samples taken on the basis of horizon in soil profiles with morphological definitions. Some weathering rates such as CIA (chemical weathering index), PIA (plagioclase alteration index) and SiO2/Al2O3 were calculated from the oxide analyses results. Profile 1 contains O-A -Bt-C-R and profile 2 contains A-Bw-C horizons. Profile 1 is sandy loam on the surface, clay loam and clay subsurface, and profile 2 is generally sandy clay loam. While an argillic horizon was formed in P1 as a result of leaching, there was a cambic horizon in P2. While the cation exchange capacity (CEC) in P1 was 42.48 cmolkg-1 in the argillic horizon, it was determined as 26.72 cmolkg-1 in the cambic horizon of P2. CIA and PIA dissociation indices of P1 were higher than that of P2. According to this result, it was determined that feldspars were more decomposed in P1 which had an older profile compared to P2. In addition, according to XRD analysis, kaolinite was present in P1 and albite was not found in feldspars, while kaolinite was not found in P2 and a significant amount of albite was determined. Soil profiles are classified as follows, respectively, according to soil taxonomy; profile 1 is Lithic Haplustalf, profile 2 is Humic Dystroxerepts; According to the WRB classification, profile 1 is classified as Epileptic Luvisols (Abruptic) and profile 2 is classified as Haplic Cambisols (Dystric).The results of the study showed that the differences in precipitation, which is one of the climate parameters, affect the profile structure of the soils, weathering levels, physico-chemical properties, and soil taxonomy in two soil profiles formed on andesitic rocks and under similar topographic conditions


COMU Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi


General Medicine

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