1. Anae, M; Coxon, E & Mara, D. (2001). Pasifika Education Research Guidelines: Report to the Ministry of Education, Wellington, Auckland Uniservices Limited.
2. Amituanai, E. (2020). interview. 3 July.
3. The Big Idea Editor, ‘Photographer Edith Amituanai’, The Big Idea, 23 September 2009, Accessed 17 June 2020, https://www.thebigidea.nz/news/tbi-qna/60832-photographer-edith-amituanai.
4. Arden, H. (2014). Participatory art and the impossible public. Art and the Public Sphere, 3.2, pp 103–117.
5. Brownson, R. (2018). The Ground-breaking Achievements of Edith Amituanai’s Participatory Photography Project: #keeponkimiora, Keep on Kimi Ora, exhibition catalogue, Hastings Art Gallery, Hastings, New Zealand, p.10.