The Intelligent Silaturrahmi-Based Gamification Mechanics Model for Improving Small and Medium Enterprise Collaboration
Marisa Fitri,Rudiansyah Muhammad,Alexandro Rinto,Nathasia Novi Dian,Pudjoatmojo Bambang,Maukar Anastasia L
This study aims to present an attractive collaboration platform to motivate SME players in collaborating activities to support their business development. Therefore, this article introduces the proposed new model, "Intelligent Silaturrahmi-based Gamification Mechanics (ISb-GM)." This model embodies the gamification mechanics of collaboration based on the cultural parameter of "silaturrahmi" found in previous research. The consideration of choosing this parameter is to increase the closeness of the relationship in collaboration. The model is also equipped with an intelligent system to extract the knowledge needed in the collaboration process. The parameter "silaturrahmi" serves as a reference for scenario mechanics to measure the collaboration performance of each player.The intelligent system functions to complement data extraction needs to provide recommendations for suitable SME partners to collaborate. This model is represented in a collaboration gamification prototype and experiments; it is proven to show performance effectively for collaborating media and measure the collaboration performance of each player.
Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science (UIKTEN)
Management of Technology and Innovation,Information Systems and Management,Strategy and Management,Education,Information Systems,Computer Science (miscellaneous)