The Role of Marking Goods in Fight Against Counterfeit Products


Dolganova Iana1ORCID,Pashegorova Daria1


1. Perm State National Research University


Introduction. The study is devoted to the peculiarities of the gradual introduction of mandatory labeling of goods in the Russian Federation as one of the factors that ensure economic security at different levels: countries, regions and municipalities, business entities. It is also important to provide the population with quality products, which is directly related to the achievement of economic security of the individual. However, often counterfeit products can be of very high quality. Therefore, in the system of economic security, product labeling is rather a factor ensuring the transparency of commodity exchange operations. Methods. The initial data was the analytical information presented on the official website of the Federal Customs Service. The following methods were used as key methods: statistical analysis, comparative analysis and expert assessments. Results. Statistical data on the goods introduced for mandatory labeling are considered. The attention is focused on the changes that have taken place in the legislation, marking features: digital code, reading devices. The study identified a clear need to expand products requiring mandatory labelling. The benefits of introducing mandatory labeling for the state, business and consumer have been proven. Conclusions. The main ways of developing labeling in the Russian Federation are summarized.


Stavropol State Agrarian University

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