Immersive and Challenging Experiences through A Virtual Reality Musical Instruments Game: An Approach to Gamelan Preservation


SYUKUR Abdul1,ANDONO Pulung Nurtantio1,HASTUTİ Khafiizh1,SYARİF Arry Maulana1


1. Dian Nuswantoro


This study proposes the preservation of traditional Javanese musical instruments known as Gamelan using an immersive and challenging approach in a virtual reality game format. In an effort to achieve a challenging experience, the gamification is designed by observing musical instrument games selected based on their popularity in the Google Play and the App Store. Oculus Quest 2 which is a stand-alone Head Mounted Displays that provides a high-quality immersive display and more flexibility for users to move is chosen to present the game. Overall, the research target can be achieved based on the evaluation using Mean Opinion Scores. The degree of immersion, presence, likeable, challenging, and the value of cultural preservation contained in the game reaches a range of values between good and excellent. Meanwhile, cybersickness still seems to be a chore for developers to make Head Mounted Displays devices more comfortable.


Izmir Akademi Dernegi

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