Ramadhan Muhamad Fajar,Hidayat Cecep,Hasani Sofiya
Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bahan organik (kompos gamal, dan asam humat) serta FMA (Glomus sp. + Gigaspora sp.+ Aclauspora sp) terhadap pertumbuhan serta hasil tanaman cabai pada tanah pasca galian C telah dilaksanakan di Gapoktan Simpay Tampomas, Sumedang sejak bulan Februari sampai dengan Juli 2014. Metode yang digunakan merupakan metode eksperimental berupa Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), dengan 8 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulang: a0 = kontrol, a1 = kompos gamal 5 t ha-1, a2 = kompos gamal 10 t ha-1, a3 = aplikasi FMA, a4 = asam humat, a5 = kompos gamal 5 t ha-1 + FMA , a6 = kompos gamal 10 t ha-1 + FMA, dan a7 = aplikasi asam humat + FMA. Pengujian lanjut dilakukan dengan Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi kompos gamal, asam humat, dan FMA tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap diameter batang dan bobot segar buah, tetapi berbeda nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman. Pengaplikasian bahan organik hingga 10 t ha-1, asam humat, dan FMA belum berpengaruh nyata terhadap perbaikan kesuburan tanah pasca galian C (tambang pasir), karena kondisi tanah pasca galian C yang didominasi 75% pasir dan 50% batuan. The study which aimed to determine the effect of organic matter (gliricidia compost, and humic acid) also AMF (Glomus sp. + Gigaspora sp. + Aclauspora sp.) on growth and yield of chili plants on post-excavation soil C had been held in Gapoktan Simpay Tampomas, Sumedang from February to July 2014. The method was an experimental method a randomized block design (RBD), with 8 treatments and repeated 4 times: a0 = control, a1 = gliricidia compost 5 t ha-1, a2 = gliricidia compost 10 t ha-1, a3 = AMF, a4 = humic acid, a5 = gliricidia compost 5 tons ha-1 + AMF, a6 = gliricidia compost 10 tons ha-1 + AMF, and a7 = humic acid + AMF. Further testing was done by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that the application of gliricidia compost, humic acid, and AMF did not significantly affect stem diameter, and fresh weight of fruit, but significant on stem height. Application of organic matter up to 10 tons ha-1, humic acid, and AMF had not significantly affect fertility improvement of post-excavation soil C (sand mining), because the soil C dominated by 75% sand and 50% rock.
Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung
Cited by
4 articles.
1. The effect of banana stems compost and various tuber sizes of G4 potato seed on growth, yield and quality of potato Var. Granola;PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCE OF SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING 2021 (SIMASE 2021): Post Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities in Environment, Science, and Engineering Research;2023
2. Utilization of cogongrass bohasi to increase growth and yield of soybean Var. Detap 1;THE 2ND UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENVIRONMENT (ULICoSTE) 2021;2022
3. The Growth of Vanda Seedling (Vanda sanderiana) with some Types of Plant Media Acclimatization and Concentration of Humic Acid;IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science;2020-01-01
4. Growth and yield of chili on post-mine sandpits treated by Arbuscular Micorhizal fungi and organic matter;IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering;2018-12-03