Creating a collaborative system for physical protection simulation in nuclear facility with virtual


Santo A. G. N.,Mól A. C. A.,Machado D. M.,Marins E. R.


In recent years, the importance of improving physical protection in nuclear facilities has been observed, mainly due to the increasing progress of the Brazilian nuclear program. Physical protection requires great attention and strategies that must be designed, tested and improved in order to maintain the physical integrity of the facilities and population. These strategies should be tested in exercises to see if the physical protection plan - PPP is in accordance with the actual conditions of the facility, such as: visibility of the borders and terrain, number and equipment of the team in charge of defense (security guards), detection equipment and access times of central security point agents to the places where suspicious activities have been detected. In this sense, this article aimed to develop a tool that allow the visualization and planning of action strategies in a virtual environment, aiming to improve security. A virtual model of the Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN) was created, with close representations of reality and the virtual characters can transit and interact in real time. Various situations that affect the visibility and detection of opponents, such as natural and artificial lighting, climatic phenomena, shadows and others can be simulated with a high degree of realism. In addition, the tool has a surveillance system through virtual cameras, enabling monitoring of the environment. Thus, this system will allow to simulate approach strategies, allowing an evaluation of the procedures performed, as well as assist in physical protection training in radioactive and nuclear facilities.


Sociedade Brasilieira de Protecao Radiologica - SBPR

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