The diamondback moth Plutella xylostella: ecological and biological aspects, harmfulness, population control


Andreeva* I. V.1,Shatalova E. I.1,Khodakova A. V.1


1. Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Data on prevalence, biological and physiological characteristics of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) are presented. Pest damage is described. Reasons causing increase in harmfulness and economic importance of the insect are noted. An increase in the number of generations able to develop during growing season and earlier pest emergence are recorded under conditions of Siberian region. Factors contributing to the insect density dynamics, including plant species and variety, entomophagous arthropods and entomopathogenic microorganisms, have been considered. Range of chemical insecticides recommended for diamondback moth management in Russian Federation has been indicated. An increase in resistance to chemicals and certain entomopathogens in P. xylostella populations in different regions of the world has been recorded. Possibility of pheromone traps exploitation for efficient pest detection and monitoring has been established. Perspectives of novel efficient and safe means of pest density regulation have been defined.


All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection


General Medicine

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