Improvement of breeding methods of predatory mites Neoseiulus cucumeris and Transeius montdorensis for biological plant protection


Krasavina L. P.1,Trapeznikova* O. V.1


1. All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection


The possibility of breeding of phytoseiid predatory mites Neoseiulus cucumeris and Transeius montdorensis using hardwood sawdust as a substrate and frozen dried fruit mite (Carpoglyphus lactis) as feed was studied. The number of larvae produced by N. cucumeris was 31.5 % lower on frozen feed in sawdust than in the control, while in T. montdorensis it was lower by 47.7 %. The number of individuals surviving to adulthood compared to the control was lower by 28.6 % and 42.9 %, respectively. The maximum daily growth rate of the population was reduced relatively to the control by 3.7 individuals in N. cucumeris, and by 4.5 in T. montdorensis –. On frozen feed in bran, N. cucumeris produced 20.5 % fewer larvae than in the control, T. montdorensis – 35.1 % fewer larvae. The number of individuals surviving to adulthood was reduced by 18.3 % and 35.3 %, respectively, compared to the control. The maximum daily population growth rate was 1.7 individuals lower than in the control in N. cucumeris, and – 3.9 individuals lower in T. montdorensis. On live feed in sawdust, larval production was similar to the control (lower by 1.1 % in N. cucumeris and 14.2 % in T. montdorensis). The number of individuals was reduced relatively to the control by 1.7 % and 14.8 %, respectively. The maximum daily population growth rate in N. cucumeris is slightly lower (by 0.7 individuals) than in the control, and in T. montdorensis it even exceeded the control by 0.6 individuals per day. Our results showed the possibility of using sawdust as a cheaper substrate for breeding of both species of predatory mites and poor performance of the frozen feed compared to the live one.


All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection


General Medicine

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