Alhumayn Abdulmohsen,Alsaif Ibrahim,Enabi Joud,Bin Nafisah Sharafaldeen
Background: The declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a global inquiry into the transmission, mortality, risk factors, and management of the disease. Recently, however, attention has shifted toward its long-term consequences. There is a need for a better understanding of the predictors and symptoms of post-COVID syndrome, to ensure appropriate care for patients recovering from COVID-19 beyond the acute phase.
Methods: We searched PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane databases, and available data in the PROSPERO databases. We also explored the reference lists of included articles and any systematic reviews identified therein. We searched the keywords "Post Covid", "Post COVID syndrome", "Post- Covid" and "PostCOVID", until July 2021.
Results: Of 8167 articles, 13 were included. The syndrome affects several systems with variable prevalence. Fatigue and sleep disturbance is the most common symptom of acute post-COVID syndrome, observed in more than two-thirds of patients, while a reduction in quality of life and general health status was noted in up to 69%. Furthermore, a reduced aerobic and diffusion capacity was seen in 38% of patients up to one month after presumed recovery from infection. Radiologically, in up to 52% of patients, a ground-glass opacity (GGO) was noted beyond three months post-infection. The incidence of new psychiatric illness increased from as early as 14 days after infection and up to three or six months. Hearing impairment or loss, whether sensorineural or conductive, was noted in up to 8.3% of patients, and tinnitus was seen in up to 4.2%.
Conclusion: Overall, given the variability in the manifestation of post-COVID syndrome, a multidisciplinary team is required to better serve these patients. We therefore urge the establishment of such teams, encompassing internal medicine, pulmonology, cardiology, and neurocognitive services.
The Journal of Medicine, Law and Public Health (JMLPH)