SINGH Krishan,BHATIA Dr. Sandeep Kaur
The economic reforms of 1991 resulted in an increased inflow of FDI into theIndian economy. However, for the invention of new techniques and skills, there is a greatneed to invest on R&D, requires a huge amount of capital, which can be available throughFDI inflows. Technology has been imported in heavy amount after the implementation ofliberalization policies. Therefore, the present study intends to know whether FDIcontributes to the Indian manufacturing sector through R&D or not. The average growthof the manufacturing sector in India (7.93 per cent) has been found considerably higherduring the second decade of reforms (2001-2012) as compared to first decade reforms(1991-2000). In the context of this, the present study has tried to examine the trends andpatterns of FDI and R&D in manufacturing firms of India during the second decade ofreforms (2001-12) and also, to analyze the impact of FDI and exports on R&D inmanufacturing firms of India through fixed effect model. The results suggest that R&D hasbeen significantly impacted by the import of capital goods, foreign equity, disembodiedtechnology, and export intensity during the second decade of liberalization period. Thepresent study suggests that greater approvals for foreign capital inflows are required inIndia, for enhancing the R&D in the manufacturing sector. There must be an appropriatecoordination between public and private sector, which can improve the R&D expenditureof manufacturing firms of India.
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Economics and Econometrics
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