1. St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2. State Hydrological Institute
Solving the problem of developing the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation without causing irreparable damage to the environment requires monitoring its various components. The article discusses the need to create a network of systems for the observation of the state of water resources in the polar regions. It is shown that, along with the existing monitoring system for large water bodies and streams, it is necessary to create a program of facilitated research on small lakes and rivers, which are extremely numerous within the Arctic zone and extremely vulnerable to various types of anthropogenic impact. In developing a network of such observation systems, the main attention should be paid not to the state of specific objects, but to identifying negative trends in various parts of the Russian Arctic zone in order to timely prevent large-scale fresh waters disasters. It is proposed that the creation of the network should be based on the principle of landscape-hydrological zoning, which takes into account both the genesis of water bodies and the specific features of the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. After the zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation Arctic Zone is completed, it is recommended that observations be carried out at reference water bodies located within all the selected regions, taking into account landscapes, both at the regional and, in the case of a significant scale of anthropogenic impact, at the local level. Along with general observations that need to be carried out at all points, which will make it possible to obtain data on the features of hydrological and in-lake processes in various parts of the Arctic zone and compare their course, it is also necessary to develop special observations. The latter, developed within each selected region, must meet the requirements for identifying the features of regional processes and information support for mathematical modeling of emergency situations and the ecological crisis caused by the main types of anthropogenic activity. The information obtained on reference lakes and streams of a hydrological region may reveal negative processes occurring throughout its area and indicate the need for emergency measures.
FSBI Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (FSBI AARI)
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