Experience in the use of transcranial micro polarization in children with autism spectrum disorders


Kuzenkova Ludmila M.1ORCID,Lashkova Anna V.2ORCID,Konova Olga M.2ORCID,Petelguzova Tatyana G.2ORCID


1. National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

2. National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health


Introduction. Autism is a disorder characterized by social interaction disorders, social-emotional reciprocity, responses to other people’s emotions, social use of speech skills, lack of modulations of behavior under the social situation, and limited interest stereotypes. The comprehensive approach using medical and psychological correction with physical methods of influence provides the best result in treating and rehabilitating children with autism. The original study examined the effects of transcranial micro polarization (TCMP) on the dynamics of autistic disorders. TCMP is a modern treatment method consisting of a directed polarizing impact of a low-power DC on specific brain areas. Materials and methods. There were observed 25 children aged from 2 years five months to 6 years with varying degrees of severity of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). For the study, three groups were identified according to the corresponding clinical diagnoses: Childhood autism, Atypical autism, and Other general developmental disorders. The vast majority of children from the first two groups had an intellectual disability of varying severity. The TCMP method was used to assess the technique’s effectiveness, the CARS diagnostic scale and the ATEK test. Results. At the end of the course, with the use of TCMP in all the analyzed groups, there was a shift towards a milder degree of autistic disorders. The most significant positive effect was recorded in children with mild forms of autism in the group of other general developmental disorders due to the initially higher level of development in this group. Conclusion. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of TCMP in ASD children. According to the results of the study, the positive effect of this method was revealed in the form of reducing the severity of autistic disorders.


National Medical Research Center for Childrens Health


General Medicine

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