On Proving the Absence of Zero-Divisors for Semi-Group Rings


Banaschewski Bernhard


For any semi-group S and any ring Λ with unit 1 (always taken to be distinct from 0, the neutral element of Λ under addition) there is known to exist a ring Λ[S] ⊇S which is a A-bimodule such that (i) S is a sub semi-group of the multiplicative semi-group of Λ[S], (ii) λs = sλ, (iii) λ(st) = (λs)t = s(λt) ( s, t ∊ S and λ∊Λ) and (iv) Sis a Λ -basis of Λ[S]. This ring is uniquely determined by these conditions and is usually called the semi-group ring of S over Λ. It may be described explicitly as consisting of the functions f: S → Λ which vanish at all but finitely many places, with functional addition (f+g) (s) = f(s) + g(s) and convolution (fg) (s) = Σf(u) g(v) (uv = s) as the ring operations, the functional A-bimodule operations (λf) (s) = λf(s) and (fλ) (s) - f(s)λ, and each s ∊ S identified with the characteristic function of { s} with values in Λ.


Canadian Mathematical Society


General Mathematics

Cited by 6 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Polynomials and radical ideals;Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra;1996-12

2. Semigroup rings;Semigroup Forum;1987-12

3. On semiprime twisted semigroup rings;Semigroup Forum;1982-12

4. Zero-divisors in tensor products;Lecture Notes in Mathematics;1976

5. Group rings;Journal of Soviet Mathematics;1975-07








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